Vol. 21 (2025)

 HU ISSN 1787-3606

  Peer-reviewed open access journal








Technical Guide


Technical guide for readers




   The papers published in Argumentum are available in (.pdf) format. PDF files require the Adobe Acrobat Reader programme, which can be downloaded and used free of charge.


   In case of quoting from the articles of the journal, please formulate your reference in the following way:


Kerekes, Dávid (2019): Wissenschaft und Alltag. Argumentum 15, 27-53. https://doi.org/...




Technical guide for authors


1. Formal requirements


In order to preserve the formal unity of the publication, please edit your texts according to the guidelines given below:


Fill-in Argumentum model [argumentum_sablon_en_dotx.dotx]  

Fill-in Argumentum file [argumentum_sablon_en_word.docx]   

Model for Argumentum format [argumentum_sablon_minta.docx]  ; [argumentum_sablon_minta.pdf] 

Detailed description of the styles used in the model [argumentum_reszletek.pdf] 


2. Citations


   The format for citations within the text body:


(Liebert 1985: 342).


  In case the quoted author is part of the sentence, the reference is made in the following way


"According to Liebert’s theory (1985: 342) ..."


3. References




Reeve, M. (2012): Clefts and Their Relatives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. https://doi.org/10.1075/la.185


   Collected works:


Benczes, R., Barcelona, A. & Ruiz de Mendoza Ibańez, F.J. (eds.) (2011): Defining Metonymy in Cognitive Linguistics: Towards a Consensus View. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.


   Articles published in collected works:


Dodge, E., Hong, J. & Stickles, E. (2015): MetaNet: Deep semantic automatic metaphor analysis. In: Shutova, E., Klebanov, B.B. & Lichtenstein, P. (eds.): Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Metaphor in NLP. Denver, CA: Associaton for Computational Linguistics, 40-49. https://doi.org/10.3115/v1/w15-1405


   Articles published in journals:


Kilgarriff, A., Baisa, V., Bušta, J., Jakubíček, M., Kovář, V., Michelfeit, J., Rychlý, P. & Suchomel, V. (2014): The Sketch Engine: ten years on. Lexicography 1.1, 7-36. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40607-014-0009-9




Langlotz, A. (2006b): Idiomatic Creativity: A Cognitive-linguistic Model of Idiom-representation and Idiom-variation in English. Appendixes A. http://www.idiomatic-creativity.ch/ (Accessed 14 November 2007).



4. DOI


When available, all DOIs for the references are to be provided in the bibliography.


Maleczki Márta, Németh T. Enikő & Szécsényi Tibor (2014): Jelentés és nyelvhasználat: háttér és célok. Jelentés és nyelvhasználat  1, 1-6. https://doi.org/10.14232/jeny.2014.1.1



5. Miscellanous


   Please use the in-built footnote generator for making reference.

   Please avoid automatic numbering in your manuscript.

   We call our author’s attention to the appropriate use of the hyphens.


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