Vol. 21 (2025)

 HU ISSN 1787-3606

  Peer-reviewed open access journal










Argumentum is a peer-reviewed academic journal open to all studies in the field of linguistics that meet the highest quality standards. Its primary aim is to offer linguists and experts in language sciences a respectable forum of publication.

Acceptable languages of publication include Hungarian, English, French, German, Russian, and Italian.

Accepted papers will be instantly made accessible online for download, and will be archived in annual volumes.

Argumentum functions in every respect like printed scholarly journals. Published papers will receive a consecutive page numbering within the annual volume, so that they can be cited by year, volume and page number.

Papers intended for publication – with a maximum length of 25.000 characters – should be sent in an electronic format as an attached file to the email address argumentum@arts.unideb.hu. Authors who are not writing in their native language should have their text proofread by a native speaker before submission. Submissions are also accepted on a CD sent to the address of the journal. Manuscripts should be provided in MS Word (.docx or .doc) format, and illustrations in JPEG (.jpg) format (with the resolution set according to the desired size).

The author or authors are expected to provide a summary of 5 to 10 lines and some keywords along with the paper. In the email that contains the attached manuscript they are asked to specify the following:

- title of publication,

- type of publication (e.g. article, dissertation, review, conference report etc.)

- name and address of author(s)

- affiliation and PhD program of author(s)

- number, name and size of attached files

The journal applies a double-blind peer review process.

Papers that have been accepted may be published again (provided that it is stated that the paper has first appeared here) without permission of the editors.

















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